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1617 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA, 92058
United States


To provide local military veterans the networking opportunities they need to excel in life after deployment, while also providing a unique training experience that can enable them to enter the workforce as stronger decision makers, more active leaders, and efficient problem solvers. 

Corporate Sponsorships Levels


Chief Sponsorship Opportunity  |  $5,000

  • Recognition as a Title Sponsor on all MITFFAD Events and publicity materials
  • Recognition on the MITFFAD website as a Title Sponsor to include sponsor’s logo and hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  • Recognition as a 100% sponsor of a Veteran attending the Academy
  • Mention on all MITFFAD social media platforms


Battalion Chief Sponsorship Opportunity  |  $2,500

  • Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on all MITFFAD events & publicity materials
  • Recognition on the MITFFAD website to include sponsor’s logo and hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  • Recognition as a equipment sponsor of MITFFAD
  • Mention on all MITFFAD social media platforms


Captain Sponsorship Opportunity|  $1,000

  • Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on all MITFFAD events & publicity materials
  • Recognition on the MITFFAD website to include sponsor’s logo and hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  • Mention on all MITFFAD social media platforms


Firefighter Sponsorship Opportunity|  $500

  • Recognition as an Event Lunch Sponsor
  • Recognition on the MITFFAD website as as Event Lunch Sponsor to include sponsor’s logo and hyperlink to sponsor’s website
  • Mention on all MITFFAD social media platforms


Recruit Sponsorship Opportunity|  $10 - $200


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